Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Nine Years Ago Today....

I held my first miracle!!! Edward Raymond III (aka Trey) was born at 12:21 am. Since I lost my birth story when Ivillage stopped the website, I'm going to try to re-publish it here.....

We had tried for 3 very long, very emotional years to get pregnant. And I will NEVER forget when I FINALLY got that BFP!!! It was October 17, d32 of my cycle and I woke up early because I needed to go to the bathroom. I decided to POAS and when I first looked at it, the test window was all cloudy, so I only saw ONE line....of course I didnt' have my contacts in so that might have been the reason too. LOL I tossed it away and I was SO MAD! I went back to bed, E asked what it was , and of course I said another negative. I couldn't sleep so I got back up and decided to clean the bathroom from top to bottom. I was throwing something away and decided to look one more time at the test......was that another line I see??? I took it into E and asked him if he saw it and he's blinder than I am so he put his glasses on and looked...." I see 2 lines...what does that mean?" It means, darling, that you're gonna be a daddy! WAHOOOOOOO!!!!

I called my dr, and they scheduled my first appt---which was when I was 10w! I had NO bloodwork or anything done prior to that! The amazing thing is I thought that was NORMAL so I wasn't stressed about it. LOL

At my first visit, we scheduled an u/s because I'd had 2 follies when I ovulated and we wanted to check for twins. I saw my precious peanut the next day and fell in love w/ a teeny little bean! That was my baby!

We tried to find out in Jan. if it was a boy or girl, but the baby didn't cooperate, but there was a problem w/ the kidneys--one was larger than the other one, so I had another u/s the next month. Then we saw BOY parts and still there was the worry of his kidneys.

On May 1 my blood pressure was elevated to the point where the dr decided to put me on bedrest. I was already starting to dilate also, so I missed the last month of school (aww shucks! no junior high kids at the end of the year--I really missed that!) . I HATED being on bedrest, but the thought that kept me where I belonged, was that if he came early I'd come home but he'd stay in the NICU. I didn't want to come home w/o my precious baby.

On June 12, I was supposed to be induced, but every other pregnant woman in Houston went into labor, so I kept getting backed off the list. On the 13, the dr. stripped my membranes to get labor started and nothing happened. June 14...we tried again w/ inducement. I finally got a room this time!

I went in asking for my epidural. I was already dilated to a 4 and knew that was the magic number! LOL my nurse told me I had to be labor first! About 1 pm, the dr came in and broke my water. I'd already had pitocin for a couple of hours and was feeling the contractions. I got my epi, and contracted the rest of the afternoon and evening. Around 9 pm I told E I wanted beef fajitas after he was born, so he called and oredered them. His parents were in the waiting room so he went out to tell them..While he was out there the dr came in...let's try a couple of pushes to help him move down. UGH! The tv was blaring (The Bulls were in the NBA finals!) the phone was ringing and I'm trying to push w/o my coach! The pushing turned Trey around ( he was transverse) so the dr left so I could finish dilating before delivery. E walked back in & I yelled at him for not being in there when I needed him. The phone rang again and it was pappasitos saying they don't deliver to hospitals anymore. (boohoo --I really wanted those fajitas! ) E went back out to tell his parents about the food and In walks the dr to have me push again. I was dilated, but the baby was still too high. Again no coach, but the dr turned off my tv (which I was focusing on, thank you very much!) so it was quieter. the baby came down a little. He let me rest again and said he'd be back in about 30 min and we'd have a baby.

When E came back in I told him to NEVER walk out that door again! LOL I pushed and pushed, the baby started getting distresses, so around 11:30, the dr decided to wheel me into the OR for a c sxn. When I got in there we had to wait for the anesthesiologist (sp) who was busy in another room, so I said I wanted to try one more time to push him out. The dr was using forceps, E was holding one leg, a nurse had the other one, and I had a nurse and later the anesthetist at my head. She was the BEST coach! She kept me pushing, and at 12:21 am out he came! 8 pounds 4 ounces and 19 inches long!

E kept telling me how he loved me and we did it and & all I could think was "yeah, yeah, get over there and check on our son!" E carried him over to me and I held him as they wheeled me back to my room. He was so beautiful.

And now he's my big boy...going into 4th grade....playing soccer and basketball.....a true racing fanatic....a great big brother....the apple of my eye.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, darling son!

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Robin, how wonderful to be able to share these moments with you. Trey is a miracle!!! But I have to ask, did you get your fajitas???? LOL!!!

What a blessing your boy is!!!!