Saturday, June 25, 2005

House Update #2 -- Our 1st Night!

Quick Update--I'm supposed to be packing more stuff to take out to the house! :o)

We closed yesterday. Everything went very smoothly. No problems or surprises. We'd rented a Uhaul truck the night before so had a load already to move in. Eddie & I went to the house, unloaded the truck and set up Kyle's room. He got Trey's red bunk bed ( well one of them for right now). and his road rug, so his room will probably be done in primary colors w/ a truck theme.

I put up the shower curtain in the boys' bath and it looks pretty cool! It's a racing theme, complete w/ shower curtain hooks that look like lug nuts ( and they really kinda do! LOL)

That's really about all we were able to complete before we turned the truck back in and got the boys. Trey had his first basketball game last night so we went to that before coming back and spending our first night in our NEW house!

The boys were WILD and took a LONG time to settle down. But it was so cool to listen to their reaction when they saw the bathroom and Kyle's room for the 1st time! Trey ended up sleeping on the Aerobed in his room, and we took the mattress off the futon we just bought and haven't put together yet, and slept on the floor in our room. We're getting a new BR set as soon as we find time to go shopping and Trey is getting our bed, but we haven't gotten it moved yet.

They finally settled down and we all went to bed. I was a little worried about Kyle getting up in the middle of the night in a strange hgouse, but he was tired and slept all night long. I woke up earlythis morning and couldn't go back to sleep so I got up and unpacked some boxes in the kitchen. Since I'd packed some on my white corning ware dishes in newpaper, I decided to do a load of dishes in my new dishwasher (something the old house didn't have--I'd been washing them by hand for the last 14 yrs!). I'd bought some jet dry but couldn't remember how much to put in and I must have over filled it. I was in another room unpacking and came back to see my kitchen floor COVERED in white bubbles! My dishwasher had overflowed! LOL Of course my mop was at the other house, so I grabbed some bath towels to clean it up. While I was doing that, a light bulb had burned out above the jacuzzi in our bathroom, so Eddie had taken it down ( it's recessed) and replaced the bulb but couldn't get it to go back up, so *that* is hanging down in my bathroom now! (pretty, eh??) what a comedy of errors!!

When I was getting Kyle to bed last night, I asked him if he liked his new room. He said , "yes mommy. I so happy in my new room and you did it all just for me!" (Awwwwww!)

I know I'm gushing, but I've waited a very LONG time to get this house and I too am"so happy". :o)

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