Friday, October 18, 2019

Time Didn't Stand Still

As you can see there is a HUGE gap -- over NINE years!! -- between postings.  Life has been crazy  but suddenly I have this strong desire to get my memories down, not on paper, but at least saved so that I can look back on my amazing life.

I have to admit, one big reason for this, is that I pulled up this blog, looking for pictures of Kyle to put in my yearbook tribute to him.  Yep!  He's a SENIOR!!  My last post was about him being diagnosed w/ Aspergers, so I have a LOT to write about.

It's hard to believe that the precious baby sleeping above, is now almost 18 years old and will soon be graduating and leaving the nest.  I am so proud of the young man he has become and I can't wait to see what lies ahead in his future. 

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