Wednesday, December 17, 2008

This year, Kyle seems to be having a lot of difficulty in school. Not academically---he's reading at a 2nd grade level, his math, science, and social studies are all above average, and he even likes to write stories. No, the difficulties he's having are social/behavioral. So much so that I've been researching and asking all my experts if they have any ideas what could be going on with him. Since I am teaching a student with Asberger's, which is on the autism spectrum, I've been researching it and the more I read about it, the more it describes Kyle and some of my experts agree. So I went off to the school to ask for him to be tested. They had a psychologist come out and observe him and decided that there is no educational need so they denied him testing through the district. So now I'm having to look outside the school system to find a dr. who will test him, because without the diagnosis, the only thing the school district will do is put together a behavior plan for him. That's a good start, but I think he needs more, especially since he's having problems with his handwriting and writing his letters backwards, which has now caused him to fail his last spelling test because he writes b's instead of d's. So I'm not sure what the answer is but I do know that it looks like I've got a long road ahead of me to get him where he needs to be.

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