Saturday, December 09, 2006

Kyle Funny ( repost from PALP)

Kyle's been very sick lately and is on his 3rd round of antibiotics since Halloween.This time it's for bronchitis & a sinus infection and the dr put him on prednisone which he's only been on one other time and made him act more aggressively to other kids. WEll today he got in trouble because he pushed some stacked chairs into another little kid and when he started crying because he had time out, the class "bully" called him a baby so Ky hit him. He was telling me all about it on the way home tonight and I asked him if he was crying when Tony called him a baby & he said yes. Well I told him that he was being a baby...he needed to just do his punishment and not throw a fit because he got in trouble. He was quiet for a second and then sighed real loud and said, "mom, it's just so hard trying to be 5." I really had to stop myself from laughing because I'd had a hard day too and I was thinking how hard it was trying to be a grown up! LOL

1 comment:

Tammy said...

I like the "trying" part, lol!!! It is hard, all of it... and you know, there are many times I just feel like crying like a baby. Nothin' wrong with that! Hugs to Kyle and his Mama!