Tuesday, November 28, 2006

I'm Baa-aaaack!!

After being threatened with removal from The List, I decided I better hightail it over here and update! LOL So.....Gretchen...this one's for you!

My life went into Turbo overdrive this fall and I'm still trying to catch my breath! Trey plays on a Quest Team , which means he's in a competition league, rather than a recreational one. I'm not sure how I feel about that, mostly because I have REAL issues with his coach. But he loves it, so for the time being, I'm allowing him to continue playing in this league. My issues with said coach will be in another post, because this first post WILL be upbeat ( even if it kills me! ) LOL

Kyle is in a WONDERFUL preschool program, and I couldn't be happier! He is so smart and is a little sponge soaking up knowledge all around him. He amazes me with his inventiveness. He's learning Spanish and is absolutely adorable.

Trey is in his LAST year of elementary school and mom is having a very hard time dealing with that sometimes.....I look at him, so grown-up all of a sudden and it brings tears to my eyes. I am SO PROUD of him and he is doing well in school this year too, which is an added plus after struggling with math in the past.

I'm teaching TWO subjects at school this year, Language Arts and Texas History, both of which have a lot of prep-work and grading, so I stay busy with school as well. In addition, I'm active at church and with Staci's Melanoma Foundation, as well as going to as many of the boys' activities as physically possible.

I'm very happy with my life, though, and I've not always been able to say that and truly mean it. Right now, I'm facing the holidays, that seem to be filled with so much loss for my family, and even though I get in a bit of a melancholy mood every once in a while, for the most part, I think I'm over much of the grieving. This Christmas & New Year's will be difficult, because it's the first anniversary of my MIL's death, and I'm sure we'll all be a bit down then, but I'm hoping and praying that 2007 will be a MUCH better year for us.

1 comment:

Tammy said...

Robin's back!!!!!! I love to hear about your life and love it even more that you are LOVIN' LIFE RIGHT NOW!!! Yay!!!! You are on my mind alot...