Friday, January 06, 2006

Christmas Thoughts

Wow! What a whirlwind Christmas vacation I had! It started out so wonderfully...I finished my Christmas shopping early so I didn't have to deal with the crazy crowds...Kyle was still in preschool so Trey and I went to see "The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe" at the new theater by our house. It was WONDERFUL!! defintiely worth seeing again! Then the boys and I spent a day making cookies for Santa and for all the people that would be at our house for the holidays.

Christmas Eve was FANTASTIC!! Eddie's family came over lunch and I made lasagna. We opened Christmas presents and laughed and rejoiced over the time spent together. Grandma and Grandpa got Trey a big soccer table for the gameroom and Kyle got a smaller tabletop version. Daddy and Uncle Louis put it together and then Daddy and Grandpa played Trey and Uncle Louis. Grandma laughed and cheered for whoever was winning at the time. :o)
I didn't get to see the BIG GAME because I'd left to go to Austin to pick up my parents who spent the next week with us. Kyle was so excited about Santa coming that night, so he had Grandma help him get on his new pajamas and get ready for bed. He tried to help Grandpa and Daddy, too, but mostly cheered with Grandma.

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