Wednesday, March 30, 2005

The frustrations of a jr high teacher....

GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! After school study hall is probably NOT the best time for me to decide to blog, because of course it's going to be about the frustrations of dealing with adolescents. Can I just say right here that something mysterious happens to children's brains between the years of 10 and 14? It DISAPPEARS! Gone...disintegrated into nothingness, leaving just a black hole in its place. Somehow, normal things like manners and common sense have gotten lost in the shuffle while rudeness, laziness and foolishness have taken over. A custodian was working on the water fountain today and left the cover off. Some "brainy" child decided to stick a cd case in the fan, causing it to stop the fan, which in turn led to overheating that caused it to start smoking and start a fire. Of course the kids weren't at fault (according to my students) -- it was the custodian's fault for leaving the lid off. Nothing is ever their fault---and that's what TERRIFIES me about this generation. What happens when they are adults and in charge????

Well study hall is over and I'm going home to my wonderful INTELLIGENT children that I am going to SOMEHOW keep from turning into adolescents......

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