Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I AM Blessed, part 2

Yesterday, I came to school, semi-refreshed and almost ready to face the rest of the school year. As I always do, I checked my email as soon as I got here. There were all the typical emails....DMC/Suspension/DHall lists, announcements, etc. But one email messge grabbed hold of my heart and held it tight all day long......

One of my teacher friends lost her husband at the very young age of 38. He'd had a massive heart attack. Earlier in the day, as he was having chest pains, he went to his regular dr who ran an EKG and it came back normal. Less than 24 hours later, he was dead. He left 2 small children, ages 3 and 7.

I am devastated. It's all I can think about.....his young life wiped out in a speck of time, leaving a young widow and 2 small kids.....

It makes me thankful for what I have.....for my wonderful husband. I can't imagine my life without him. He's the first person I see each morning and the last one I talk to at night. He's the first person with whom I want to share news, both good and bad. When I have a bad day, he's the one I turn to for a smile and a hug. God gave me someone extra special when he sent this man into my life.

Yes, indeed, I AM blessed.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

I am blessed-----

It's Spring Break. No school for a week. Time to spend with my family. When my students asked what I was going to do, I always had the same answer. SLEEP! This past week, with the time change, I've been so very incredibly tired each morning and it made it difficult to get to school on time. Kyle was extra tired as well so he had a hard time getting up in the morning too. Sooooo......today was the first day that I could sleep in. We had one of those extremely rare days where we had no where that we HAD to go....no soccer, no extended family commitments, nothing going on in the neighborhood or at church. My plan was to sleep at least to 9....maybe even later.

7:45 am.......I'm quietly walking out the front door in my workout clothes, headed to the gym. It was so beautiful and peaceful that I decided to walk the half mile to the gym to get an extra workout in. Time by myself is hard to come by, except for the drive to and from work and then my mind is usually centered on school issues. So this morning, I looked around at my neighborhood.....still sleeping for the most part.....a few bicyclists were already out, and it looked like there may have been an early baseball game getting ready to start.......but for the most part, all was silent. I started thinking about how wonderful it was to live in this subdivision.....the awesome schools, the athletic center within walking distance, the new mall coming soon....the wonderful neighbors who are willing to help me out in a pinch---something that many don't have in this day and age. So often I take my home and neighborhood for granted, and yet my kids are able to play outside without fear. I definitely am blessed.