Thursday, December 18, 2008
-----Things I love about my boys-----
Things I love about Trey
1. He still shows me affection, even though he's 12 and taller than I am.
2. He likes a lot of my kind of music.
3. He doesn't like wearing the baggy pants, or the gothic look like so many jr. high kids do.
4. He has a variety of interests...sports, history, music, Nascar, church
5. He's very good with little kids
6. He likes getting good grades
7. He has a great sense of humor
8. He's not high maintenance
9. He likes to tease me--this is huge, because so many kids ignore their parents
10. He talks to me....*really* talks to me
Things I love about Kyle
1. He still calls me "Mommy"
2. He is so smart
3. He has a generous heart
4. He likes things neat
5. He has a beautiful singing voice
6. He's funny
7. He likes to do crafts and help me cook
8. He is willing to try new sports
9. He is very imaginative
10. He likes to snuggle, especially when he's had a bad day
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Turkey Trot
Kyle heard on the radio about the Turkey Trot, the annual race held uptown on Thanksgiving morning, that also included a kids' fun run. He said he wanted to run in it, so I looked it up online. When Trey saw me reading about it, he decided he wanted to run as well. So very early on Thanksgiving morning, we loaded up the car and headed into Houston so the boys could run. Trey ran Cross Country this fall, which was 2 miles, but he signed up for the 5K run, which is a little more than 3 miles so he had a much harder run than he'd ever done before. For a first timer, he did a pretty good time--running 5K in a little over 26 minutes. Kyle did the 1K kids' run. I was at the finish line, watching for him, but parents were pushing so badly, I somehow missed heart was racing while we looked for him in the crowd of runners and parents. After a crazed few minutes, he found his dad, who then brought him over to where Trey and I were frantically searching. We were so relieved! And Ky was so proud of his run, and the medal that all finishers received.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Thank You, Veterans!
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Pumpkins and Halloween
I was just getting ready to email a good friend of mine and give her a hard time about not updating her blog, but then I looked at mine and saw that mine, too was way overdue! In fact, she and I posted on the same day last month and it's been over a month.
And I've decided that I'm no longer going to say that my life is crazy or I'm too busy to post anything because it's really no excuse. Everybody I know has a crazy, hectic schedule.
So.....instead I'll write another update on my boys......
We're having a cold snap right now---well cold for us, which is not really cold in comparison to many parts of the country, but for Texans, when the temp drops down in the 30s, it's COLD! It's also been windier than usual. So the other night, Kyle came in our room around midnight and said it sounded like Halloween in his room. I couldn't figure out what that meant, but since I wanted to go back to sleep, I just moved over and let him sleep with us. Around 3 am, the wind started howling loud enough that it woke me up and I figured out that's what he must have been talking about.
Yesterday, we carved our pumpkins. started out with the boys each carving their own pumpkins, but Kyle didn't like getting his hands dirty with the "innards" of the pumpkin, so it wasn't long until I was carving his. A little while later, Trey gave up carving his, because he chose an intricate design of letters and he made a couple mistakes and wanted me to fix it.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
WaCkY WeDnEsDay WaMbLinGs
Monday, September 22, 2008
Hurricane Ike
Here is a slideshow of the devastation we faced (and still are facing!) after Hurricane Ike hit the Houston/Galveston area. It could have been so much's great to see the way Texans reached out to help each other in our time of need.
Friday, September 19, 2008
How I met your father......
As I put the flowers in water, he slips a tape in the setting the stage for seduction. I told him I didn't know how to dance so we were going to practice a bit before we went out. He looked down at my feet. Uh, do you have any other shoes? You won't be able to move with tennis shoes on. You need something with smooth soles. Darn! I got those butt ugly boots out again. Eddie was polite--he didn't say a word about the ugliness of the boots...he just smiled and said those would be fine. So we practiced dancing. We fit perfectly together. He smelled so good that I really couldn't keep time very well so I ended up stepping on his toes quite a bit. Finally we decided that was the best we could do, so we left for dinner.
Friday, August 08, 2008
*sigh* The End of Summer Reflections
So did Trey.
Kyle got his tonsils removed.
Kyle took swimming lessons.
I redecorated Trey's bedroom----Go Dynamo!!
We toured the Blue Bell Ice Cream Factory and began a wonderful relationship with new ice cream flavors each time we went to the store---my personal favorite was Banana Pudding and Kyle's was Cookies and Cream. Trey and Dad liked anything that had chocolate in it!
We went to Washington-on-the-Brazos, the site where the Texians signed the Declaration of Independence from Mexico, that started the Texas Revolution and the beginning of the Lone Star Republic. The boys pretended to sign the document.
We wandered around what's left of the original settlement, and Kyle got tired of walking. It was pretty warm that day! Trey was a wonderful big brother and gave him a ride.
Monday, July 21, 2008
My Baby is in Alaska!!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Happy Father's Day, Eddie!
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Who I Am, part 2, or Sisters are your Best Friends
Lord, help the mister who comes between me and my sister. And Lord, help the sister who comes between me and my man.
I don't think any of us ever shared boyfriends, but we've certainly shared everything else. Clothes, makeup, cars, kids, food, diseases......
Let me tell you about my sisters. I have three of them. All younger. All royal pains in the butt when we were growing up, but now I treasure their friendships.
I am the second child of 5. I have an older brother and when I was born, my parents had the "perfect family-- one child of each gender." For some strange reason, they didn't realize how good they had it with just the two of us and chose to have more snotty nosed, whiny "curtain climbers" just to make my life miserable. Since they were all 3 girls, I had to learn to share---my room, my clothes, my dolls, my books, and all the attention that had previously been lavished on me. To add to it, they all had issues.
I was 2 when sister # 1 came on the scene. I really don't remember back that far, but it couldn't have been all bad. My brother and I took care of her. She never had to learn to talk because we anticipated her every need and basically talked for her. We've heard the story many times how when my mom was trying to potty train her, my brother and I would change her wet panties and hide them under the bed so she wouldn't get in trouble. I can remember jumping on our bed and she got dizzy and fell down our stairs and had to have stitches in her chin. That was right around the time that she was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. And that's when our lives changed. She spent weeks at a time in the children's hospital in downtown Chicago because it was very difficult to keep her blood sugars under control. She came close to dying many times. As an adult, she still has Type 1 or Juvenile Diabetes, which is very very serious. The story of Steel Magnolias could be written about her....she has 2 biological children, and both girls put her life in jeopardy, but her philosophy is much like Shelby's: I would rather have thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special. Now, she has 6 kids---2 biological daughters and 4 adopted sons. The ages of her kids span from 16 to 1. She has recently been placed on the kidney transplant list and is awaiting a match and just very recently, she started dialysis, which is really scary for all of us. I am waiting right now to find out if I may be a possible match for her....
With all of our kids in activities, and her with 2 very young ones, we don't always get much time to talk. She lives in Illinois and I'm in Texas, so it's not often that we see each other. In fact, sadly enough, I've not even met the 2 youngest. Nor has she been to visit me in my new house ( that I moved into almost 4 years ago). When we do get together, or have a few minutes of quiet where we can actually talk, we certainly enjoy catching up with each other.
Sister #2 was adopted into our family when I was 10. She had been with us, though, for 4 years by that time. My parents were foster parents, and she came to our house when she was 4 days old...straight from the hospital. My parents usually got boy foster children, so I was ecstatic to finally get a little girl. I felt like she was my very own baby and oh how I loved her. Since there were 6 years difference in our ages, we drifted apart when I got in high school. But now, she and I are very close. She lives in Wisconsin with her husband and 3 children, the youngest of which is only 3 weeks younger than Trey.
Sister number 3 came along when I was 10. My brother and I wanted her to be a boy so badly, we dressed her in bib overalls, put her curly red hair in braids and called her Joey. So needless to say, she was quite a tomboy when she was young. :o) Since Jeff & I were so much older than she, we were already out of the house by the time she went to elementary school. I was in college and he was in the Air Force. So we weren't there in her "formative" years.....and sometimes I think that was to her detriment. Not that we were anything special or that we had parenting skills at our young age that might have changed the outcome of her life, but because we had been a vital part of her early years and then we moved away. anyway, she made some bad choices in high school and that resulted in consequences that totally changed her life plan. She became a mom during her sophomore year in high school and was unable to lead the kind of easy lifestyle that we led at the same age. Being a single mom made college more difficult and if it hadn't been for my parents, she probably wouldn't have been able to pull her life together like she has. She became a paralegal and worked for many years in a presitigious law firm in Chicago. Recently, she went to part time so that she could spend more time and energy on her foundation, Melanoma Support & Education Foundation, which she started after she was diagnosed with stge 1 melanoma a few years ago. Today, she's looking forward to the birth of her first grandchild-- a girl due in July and her wedding that will be later that same month, while she fights another battle with auto-iommune deficiencies which are probably caused by her melanoma. She and I work together on her foundation. Recently we spent the weekend in Austin and had a blast! It was so nice to have a weekend with just the two of us....not worrying about the kids, jobs, etc.
I truly love my sisters.