It's November. That means it's time for turkeys. And pumpkin pie! And decorating the house for Christmas. Kyle got his Thanksgiving assignment last week. He had to decorate a large feather with all the things that he was thankful for. Here's his list: Mom & Dad, Trey, pumpkins, presents, fire trucks, race cars, candy canes, soccer, falling colored leaves, and construction vehicles. :o) That got me thinking about my list ( in no particular order). I'm thankful for .......
1. My husband
2. my boys
3. my home
4. my job
5. my church
6. my health
7. my parents
8. my sisters
9. my brother
10. my father in law
11. my history team
12. my friends
13. Kyle's babysitter ( well, caretaker---he thinks he's too old for a babysitter LOL)
14. I'm getting a new-to-me car---a 2002 Ford Expedition, Eddie Bauer edition w/ all the bells and whistles
15. my upcoming vacation to Walt Disney World!! I can't wait!!
16. Trey's good grades
17. Kyle's snuggles
18. my hearing---I love to listen to music....I can't imagine what my life would be like if I couldn't hear.
19. The Dynamos are in the playoffs!
20. Trey's soccer season is coming to a close---this is bittersweet, because he's so disappointed that they aren't going on, but it sure will be nice to have free time again on weekends
21. Kyle's soccer season ends Saturday. I know he's glad---soccer just isn't his thing!
22. living in a neghborhood that is safe for the kids to play and ride their bikes without fear
23. neighbors who care and look out for each other
24. neighbors that dn't like to party all night
25. neighbors that don't have barking dogs
26. my baby days are over so I don't have to worry about sleepless nights (until Trey gets old enough to drive)
27. knowing how to cook
28. being able to rely on my mom for parenting advice
29. having the opportunity to talk and laugh with my sisters on the phone
30. hot apple pie with Blue Bell vanilla ice cream and caramel sauce