Monday, August 07, 2006

Back to School......

Wow! this summer FLEW by! I can't believe we're ready to start another school year!

Trey will be in 5th grade this year at a new school. His LAST year in elementary! YIKES! My baby is growing up! This is his last week of "freedom" so he's trying to jam-pack it full of everything he didn't do all summer. LOL

Today, Kyle started an accelerated preK program that is AWESOME! He will do PreK stuff in the fall and in the spring, he starts the Kindergarten curriculum with math and reading. I'm so excited for him and he can't wait to go to "big-boy" school! He's also excited because he gets to go on field trips this year and ride the bus. lol

I have a new assignment also---Texas History and Language Arts. That will be a lot of extra work, but hopefully it will only be for one year. I'm hoping to transfer at the end of this school year to another school closer to home. My inservices and meetings start officially on Wednesday, but I've been working on school stuff since the first of August.

The BEST part of back to school is the school supply sales! LOL I LOVE going shopping for school supplies! I buy so many scissors, glue, markers, pencils, etc., to last more than through the school year and always have a great stash put away ":just in case we need it".